Welcome to the final weekend reviews of February! (Crossing fingers for an early spring...)
I can't believe I'm linking to The Sun, but this week Natasha Harding recommends 6 of the Best...Books for Teenagers. (U.K. titles. Slideshow, not a review article.)
Nancy Gilson reviews Joan Bauer's new novel for tweens and teens, Close to Famous, for The Columbus Dispatch.
Karen MacPherson reviews Andrew Lane's Death Cloud (Young Sherlock Holmes) for Scripps Howard News Service, here linked from The Seattle Times.
Crossover Book Alert: Carol Memmott reviews Deborah Harkness's A Discovery of Witches for USAToday. Memmott begins her review with the assertion, "Adults entranced by the kiddie witches and wizards in the Harry Potter series and the teen vampires in the Twilight Saga — you've earned this grown-up tale." Sounds to me like teens will be all over this one. (Nick Owchar also reviews A Discovery of Witches for The Los Angeles Times.)
Kris Kosaka considers Orchards, by Holly Thompson (illustrations by Grady McFerrin) for The Japan Times. ("An arresting and authentic novel in verse.")
Sarah Webb reviews an Irish YA novel And By the Way: A Butterfly Novel, by Denise Deegan for The Independent.
Mary Harris Russell reviews Phoebe Stone's The Romeo and Juliet Code, more a tween novel, than teen, for The Chicago Tribune.

Meghan Cox Gurden reviews Judy Blundell's Strings Attached for The Wall Street Journal and concludes the positive review with "Adult as well as older teen readers will appreciate the skill with which the author slowly separates the skeins of this tangled story to reveal the violent truth of what Billy once told Kit: "We pack away lies in [our] house like you pack away Christmas."
That's it for this week's reviews, unless I've missed something. Stay tuned for a new weekend link feature at Crossover--Weekend (YA/Crossover) News!